Evaluate your consumption

The Ngewana family analysed their utility costs and did an eco-audit at home. Over the past year, they’ve used an average of 740 kWh of electricity per month and they’re using about 45 kl of water per month. Meters have been installed to track detailed electricity use and water. They produce 15kg of waste a week on average. They worked out that their annual electricity kWh per m² of home space is: 41 kWh/m²/year. (8880 kWh for the past year, divided by 218 m² house size). Each of them use an average of 2220 kWh per year. How does your home compare? More or less efficient?

To see exactly how much they’re using right now, see the Ngewanas’ real time Electricity and Water Usage Dashboard

Investigate your own consumption levels, and as they say, ‘measure to manage’. If you want to save the most, figure out where you use the most and tackle the biggest cost drivers first.

Do you ‘know your number”? Look out for the weekly lucky draw which will start on Monday 12th May 2014, which includes sending in your kWh/m²/year number.




Set your goals

The Ngewana family aimed to save 15% with no-cost changes, and 40% with efficient equipment by July, and to drop consumption into a lower tariff category (less than 600 kWh per month, or 15 kWh per day). They targetrf 20 % water reduction, recycling 75% of their waste, and at least 50% of their cleaning products being ‘eco-friendly’.

Follow to see if they achieved their goals.



Set your own goals, with your family size and unique home set-up in mind. How far do you want to go?

  • No Cost

    Change your habits only and save at least 10%.
  • Low Cost

    Buy products worth up to about R1000 (installed cost), which can typically lift savings up to about 30%.
  • Invest to save

    For maximum savings of 50% or more, add ‘highest impact’ interventions which cost more than R1000.

What can you do?

The Ngewana family started by actively learning more about energy efficiency and ‘going green’. First they developed efficient habits that don’t cost a cent. Then they were the lucky recipients of a major ‘retrofit’ upgrade of their home. When the house was as efficient as possible, solar photovoltaic panels were installed to generate renewable electricity, supplying some of their needs.


You can get going with the below range of actions to start greening and saving now! These are the few things which will have the biggest saving impact. They’re classified according to cost, and key ‘saving areas’. Do what you can afford now, and use the savings to invest in achieving more. For maximum savings, the truth is that you’ll need to invest in equipment. It’s a wise decision –  for lowering expenses, increasing the value of your home and for leaving the Earth in a better state for future generations too. Track your progress as you go, and share your journey – with us and others.


Comment on this website, and share My Green Home with your family, friends, colleagues and network.


    • No Cost
    • Low Cost
    • Invest to Save
    • Hot Water
    • Turn your geyser down to 55° - 60°

      Take a shorter shower

      Switch off the geyser when you go away
    • Install a low-flow shower head

      Connect a timer to your geyser

      Keep your geyser and pipes snugly insulated
    • Install a solar water heater

      Or a heat pump water heater
    • Lighting
    • Switch your family on to switching off

      Let the sun shine in

      When choosing interior paint, lighten up
    • Replace your bulbs with LEDs

      Conserve cash with CFLs

      Stay secure with motion-sensor lights outside

      Put light where you need it
    • Renovate to be LED-friendly

      Let the sky light dark rooms
    • Heating and Cooling
    • Put your windows to work

      Dress for winter success

      Give your air conditioner a winter job
    • Put heat where you need it

      Dodge the draft
    • Give your fireplace a window

      Protect your home with adequate insulation

      Save in summer and winter with ceiling fans

      Allow summer’s heat an escape route
    • Appliances
    • Keep your clothes out of hot water

      Reduce the ironing pile

      Wait for the sun, don’t tumble dry

      Cook without using the oven
    • Try the coolest stove – an induction cooker

      Add a rainy-day drying rack

      Keep cooking with the stove off
    • Choose an efficient fridge that makes the grade

      Install a dual-flush toilet

      Buy a washing machine with a cool wash attitude
    • Waste & Toxins
    • Reduce, reuse and recycle – in the right order

      Help the recyclers by separating your waste

      Keep toxics out of your cupboards

      Get clean without antibacterial soaps
    • Keep your biodegradables in the biosystem

      Use microfiber instead of chemicals for cleaning

      Go natural with pest control
    • Buy quality and keep it

      Upgrade your tap water
    • Outdoors & Transport
    • Don’t work the pool pump overtime

      Get on your bike and ride (or walk)

      Water wisely
    • Use public transport and save

      Indigenize your garden

      Grow your own food
    • Buy a variable-speed pool pump

      Make your next car CO2-tax-free

      Cover your pool

      Generate your own sun power